Signs That Your Heating System Needs Repair
Posted on December 5, 2016 by All Contractor Marketing
Heating System Repair It’s always a good idea to do a health check on your heating system before the weather turns chilly. The easiest way is to schedule annual heating maintenance with your favorite Sylacauga HVAC contractor. Your technician will examine your system and also give it a thorough cleaning. Existing and potential problems can be identified …
Save Money This Winter With a Smart Thermostat
Posted on November 1, 2016 by All Contractor Marketing
Smart thermostat benefits are just that—smart. These devices do more than coordinate indoor temperature with a heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system. When used properly, smart programmable thermostats improve HVAC efficiency, save money on energy bills and also keep your indoor environment comfortable. Smart Thermostat Benefits Smart programmable thermostats offer a number of features including downloadable applications that …
Fall HVAC Maintenance. What Needs to Be Checked?
Posted on October 4, 2016 by All Contractor Marketing
Although Sylacauga, AL, winters are balmy compared to those of our neighbors to the north, Alabama still gets its fair share of the chills between November and March. However, when you tune up your furnace or heat pump every fall, your home will be toasty warm, and your heating equipment warranties will remain in effect. We are …
What You Can Expect from A New Bryant Heat Pump
Posted on September 20, 2016 by All Contractor Marketing
Customers like you can enjoy quality, efficiency, and also reliability when you select a new Bryant heat pump. If it’s time to replace your HVAC system; these are some of the cutting-edge features that you’ll find in new Bryant heat pump designs. New Features – Bryant Heat Pump Efficient HVAC systems cost slightly more than …
How a Comfort Assurance Program Is a Good Value
Posted on September 18, 2016 by All Contractor Marketing
Comfort Assurance Making sure your HVAC maintenance is kept up-to-date is one key way to save money while staying comfortable throughout the year. One of the easiest ways to do this is to take advantage of Affordable Heating & Air’s specialized Comfort Assurance Program. Two comprehensive HVAC system tune-ups per year Generously discounted service fees After-hours …
Is Your Air Conditioning Handling the Summer Temperatures?
Posted on September 7, 2016 by All Contractor Marketing
Folks rely on their air conditioning systems to keep the inside of their homes comfortable during the hot, humid summer temperatures of Alabama summers. Maintaining the system minimizes breakdowns and reduces the need for air conditioning repair. Homeowners can do some air conditioning maintenance themselves. Another maintenance is best left to professionals who are trained to calibrate …
Improving the Cooling Factor with Dehumidification
Posted on September 6, 2016 by All Contractor Marketing
The heat of the late Alabama summer temperatures still reach well into the mid to high 80’s. Humidity levels make those temperatures feel even warmer. Approximately 67 percent of homes in the nation use air conditioners for summer comfort management, but excessive moisture in the air can counteract the cooling effects of your equipment. Inhibiting …
Keeping Your Indoor Air Healthy
Posted on September 6, 2016 by All Contractor Marketing
Poor indoor air quality can lead to infections, chronic lung diseases like asthma and even cancer, yet most homeowners overlook it when taking care of their households. Keeping your indoor air healthy should be as much of a priority as maintaining your HVAC system. That said, here’s how you can take steps toward improving your …